Green transformation of modern city environments to support community
building and development of soft skills (GreenCity)
Project number: 2021-1-EL01-KA210-ADU-000027364
18 months from 01.01.2022 to 30.07.2023
Description of the project
The project’s goal is the green transformation of modern city environments by proposing outdoor activities for non-formal education such as urban gardening as a platform for education, intercultural dialogue, community building, safe lifestyles, civic inclusion, and incorporation of disadvantaged people.
The expected results are:
- the creation of a Manual focusing on using the urban garden as a place for education and socialization, as well as including good practices and positional interpretation for long term growth;
- the implementation of workshops to inspire people to volunteer in the urban gardens and socialize with their neighbors;
- improving community relations, decreased environmental risks, expanded access to nutritious foods, and a more balanced lifestyle by urban gardening.
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